Photography is nothing more than the creation of a story, an imprint of the past. A static canvas capturing not only the beauty of a subject, but their imperfection as well. A photo is meant to be interpreted, not explained. It is meant to serve as nothing more than a single frame in the reel of everyday life. 

Who I am

When I was younger, I was surprised at Christmas with my very first digital camera. At the time, I had no idea what to do with my new gift. I started taking pictures of everything around me, filling up memory cards with the most random of pictures. I took it with me everywhere I went, and once I figured out it could record videos I spent most of my time documenting everything I could. I wasn’t trying to record every second of my life, I just loved filling my camera with moments that I would have easily forgotten. Photos are more than just a record, they invoke emotion and bring you back to the moment and place the picture was taken. 


Creating memories

As I grew older, my hobby started to fade as I became busy with finding my place in the world and discovering new hobbies. It wasn’t until I got my latest smartphone that I rediscovered my long-lost passion for photography. It has an excellent camera, and I quickly found myself falling back into old habits of taking photos of everything I could. I couldn’t stop there, I new I needed to upgrade to a more capable camera that would allow me to grow back into something I missed for many years. I picked up a quality mirrorless camera and have dived back into the world of recording the past, this time with a blank canvas ready to be filled.